Tuesday 10 March 2015

Brothers Grimm

Jakob  and Wilhelm Grimm both born in the 1780's and are responsible for some of the most gruesome and disturbing Folktales which have now been censored into children's fairy tales. From snow white to Cinderella the Grimm brothers searched their homeland of Germany for common folktales and published them into a book, the more gruesome the better!

An example-

Sleeping beauty- 

In the original sleeping beauty, the lovely princess is put to sleep when she pricks her finger on a spindle. She sleeps for one hundred years when a prince finally arrives, kisses her, and awakens her. They fall in love, marry, and (surprise surprise) live happily ever after. But alas, the original tale is not so sweet (in fact, you have to read this to believe it.) In the original, the young woman is put to sleep because of a prophesy, rather than a curse. And it isn’t the kiss of a prince which wakes her up: the king seeing her asleep, and rather fancying having a bit, rapes her. After nine months she gives birth to two children (while she is still asleep). One of the children sucks her finger which removes the piece of flax which was keeping her asleep. She wakes up to find herself raped and the mother of two kids.


Reading some of these original fairytales have obviously broken my childhood! haha 
What i believed to be innocent lovely fairytales in the eyes of disney actually originated from sick  stories intended for adults . 

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