Tuesday 24 March 2015

First Research- Claudia and Quentin.

When I first read the brief i wanted to go all out. I wanted to use my imagination at best as I think I've played it pretty safe recently. I started by searching youtube for prosthetic tutorials just to get some general ideas.
I wanted to create a fantasy character

These are some of the videos i came across

next I looked at some images 

I liked the idea of the skull on the face but if i was to do this it would be less glamourous 

I really like this image and may take some attributes for my design  

I like the idea of sewn up lips for Quentin as he is controlled by Claudia 

Another image i may take attributes from 

Mr and Mrs Comfort

Source: The new yorker.

 Richard Avedon
Mr and Mrs comfort.
For the New Yorker 

We were shown these images in contextual studies and i could not help but think of these two as Claudia and Quentin. I love the colour scheme of these pictures and some of the bizarre poses! 
I cant help but wonder of the story behind these pictures. 

Here are some of my favourite images! 

i imagine
Quentin bowing down to his 'owner'

I imagine the image above to be Claudia yearning to get out of her apartment but her fear is defeating her! 

When I see this picture I imagine Claudia is claiming her possession. 

Monday 23 March 2015

Julien Macdonald 'Grunge deluxe' Recreation

In our first make up lesson for the second half of our project we was asked to choose an image out of those provided and recreate the exact look. I had no trouble choosing the grunge deluxe by julien macdonald as the 90s grunge era is my absolute fave!

Some info on this look 

  • inspired by Marilyn Manson 
  • This look was about creating a flawless base , contour and highlight
  • eyes black/grey , shadow was blended from the lash line to the brows for a boyish look
  • The disheveled hair suggested a night of partying casually pulled back into a french twist ponytail, leaving shards of hair hanging across the face. 

This is my version of the look.

To achieve this look I started by creating a flawless base, applying the models Mac foundation making sure I blended well. 
I used the sleek eyebrow palette to fill in her brows then messing them up slightly with a mascara wand.
To do the eyes i used my sleek au natural eye-shadow in black and applied like I would liner, I then took a cotton bud and some Vaseline and began bringing the eye-shadow up creating the shiny blended look seen in the photos.  


To create the hair i simply seperated the fringe from the back section and took the back section into a french twist, I then wetted my hand slightly and began scrunch the models fringe to create movement. 

Sunday 22 March 2015

Great expectations project evaluation

In the first half of this project we were asked to create a look for Miss Havisham which we would be able to create again. When I first started my research I began to realize that the Victorians wore little make-up and I began to worry that I wouldn't be able to make my look stand out. As I furthered my research I had ideas come to me easily? What I was worried about the most was recreating the look the exact same, especially the hair. I realized that the Victorians had so many different hairstyles so I had a lot of variety. I started with hair first and had to take into consideration that my partner who I would be doing my look on had a short full fringe, I realized there wasn't much I could do with her fringe so I went with a curly fringe that was popular in the mid-18th century. When It came to make-up I wanted her to look old and haggard so I went with a pale base, red sore eyes and a grey contour. When it came to the first half of the assessment I wasn't that nervous and felt like I did quite well, I even finished quite early! The second half of the assessment is what worried me as I needed to make the look exactly the same. In the end it went quite well and I could only see slight differences. Overall the project went very well all though I was quite worried at the start. 

Monday 16 March 2015

Estella design

Design one 
This is Estella when she was beaten by her husband. I created the whole look using the Kryolan Eyeshadow palette provided in our kits.

Design Two 

This is how i imagined her in the spring, Light contouring , spring yellow eyes and pink blush, 

Design three 

This is Estella on her wedding day.
The Victorians did not use a lot of make-up so i kept the look minimal
with light contouring, blush and one colour of eyeshadow. 

Saturday 14 March 2015

Estella assessment

This is my final design and assessment  for Estella.
I decided to go for a bridal look as its something different to what i'd usually do.
minimal make up was used during victorian times so i found it hard to make the look bridal.
I used minimal foundation , light contouring on the cheekbones and no product on the lashes and brows. I also patted some lipstick on thd lips to create a light colour. With the hair the only thing im only unhappy about it the fringe didnt to plan, it did not ccreate a nice curve shape like in my practises. 

Friday 13 March 2015

Miss havisham assessment- continuity 1 and 2

 So i've now had both my assessments and continuity stress is over!
My only worry with this assessment was trying to get the make up exactly the same!

The top two pictures are from my first assessment which i think went quite well , i panicked as usual but in the end it was all fine.

These are from my second assessment!

I also think this went quite well and I can only see a couple of differences.
I can see the redness under the eyes have spread further down than in the first assessment
and also the lips are not as dry looking as before but other than that i am quite pleased :)

Victorian make up research

I really like the hair on this lady, I feel like Mrs. Van Buren can have this hair style the scene when her and ester are writting the letter to Geroge.

I noticed with Victorians that they wore barely any make-up which was quite challenging to try and think of something that stands out from the rest. As usual i  used pinterest to do my research as its easier to find specific images.


Above is the link to the images that inspired me

Wednesday 11 March 2015

hair Inspo for Estella

in order to show you my inspiration for my estella hair i created a mood board.

Above are some styles i found for estella

the first and second are very similar, i love this particular style although its more late 18th century and early 1900's, I wanted to keep some of the hair down for Estella so i wont be using this style.

I am in love with the third one and will definitely consider this for Estella, it looks simple but effective!

the fourth image will be best for me as my model has a full fringe and i will be able to smooth it into a parting like in this image

The fifth is similar to 4th but without the swooping fringe.

i like the 6th but i feel its quite aging and better for miss havisham than estella

the 7th is my favourite out of all of them !



Photographs of the dead

In the Victorian era for some strange reason it became custom to photograph dead relatives as mementos. Usually photographs were so expensive it would be the only picture they would have in their life time. This ties in perfectly with the project! Whats says horror more than the dead??

Here are some disturbing pictures.


The Strangest Tradition of the Victorian Era: Post-Mortem Photography

The Strangest Tradition of the Victorian Era: Post-Mortem Photography

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Miss havisham finalized designs.

although  had plenty of ideas for miss havisham I realized that continuity was key. I decided that i needed to make my design simple but effective. The problem with my first design was that there would be a small chance that I would be able to recreate the black veins exact! so i stuck with the first design but removed the black veins.
With the hair i was faced with a partner with a very short full fringe so some adjustments needed to be made, I decided the front would be curled and the back will be in a loose braided bun as if slowly slopped though out the years. My partner also had a undercut at some point so i was left with some hair that wasnt as long as the rest, with this hair i curled and back combed it to create messy hair.

Brothers Grimm

Jakob  and Wilhelm Grimm both born in the 1780's and are responsible for some of the most gruesome and disturbing Folktales which have now been censored into children's fairy tales. From snow white to Cinderella the Grimm brothers searched their homeland of Germany for common folktales and published them into a book, the more gruesome the better!

An example-

Sleeping beauty- 

In the original sleeping beauty, the lovely princess is put to sleep when she pricks her finger on a spindle. She sleeps for one hundred years when a prince finally arrives, kisses her, and awakens her. They fall in love, marry, and (surprise surprise) live happily ever after. But alas, the original tale is not so sweet (in fact, you have to read this to believe it.) In the original, the young woman is put to sleep because of a prophesy, rather than a curse. And it isn’t the kiss of a prince which wakes her up: the king seeing her asleep, and rather fancying having a bit, rapes her. After nine months she gives birth to two children (while she is still asleep). One of the children sucks her finger which removes the piece of flax which was keeping her asleep. She wakes up to find herself raped and the mother of two kids.


Reading some of these original fairytales have obviously broken my childhood! haha 
What i believed to be innocent lovely fairytales in the eyes of disney actually originated from sick  stories intended for adults .