Saturday 28 February 2015

What scares you?

What is fear? an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm.

When I was a kid my Parents used to take me on drives to get me to sleep through oxford country side, They always used to take the same route and every time we would pass a Old white mansion which glowed a horrible green. As a kid this used to give me nightmares, I used imagine the ghosts that lived there would see me looking and follow us home. Now being 20 years old I'm mostly scared of being alone in the dark. My mind plays tricks on me and I imagine people staring at me in the corner, if I'm with someone all the fear goes away.
What also scares me is the view from my halls of residence window at night. It looks onto a street and although I'm on the second floor of the building when its dark i can't help but to imagine someone looking at me if i open the curtains.

When i realized how different my fears were from 5 years old to now i decided to interview a few of my flat mates to see what used to scare them and what scares them now.

Hannah Wentworth

What do you consider Gothic Horror?

Murders, Darkness, Graveyards, Blood and torture. 

What used to scare you as a child?

Heights, being alone and the game whats the time Mr wolf

What scares you now?

Heights and Cats 

Leya Fryer 
Milton Keynes

What do you consider Gothic Horror?

Silence and Darkness

What used to scare you as a child?


What scares you now?


Emma-Louise Wandless

What do you consider Gothic Horror?

Dracula, Frankenstein, darkness and mystery 

What used to scare you as a child?

Clowns, Being Alone

What scares you now?

Clowns and being alone 

Matthew Lintern

What do you consider Gothic Horror?

Gothic horror I consider like wuthering heights and Frankenstein dark like Jack the Ripper. 
Link it to Victorian era

What used to scare you as a child?

The dark scared me as a child and the supernatural

What scares you now?

Now not much scares me except clowns and masks

Reece Cray

What do you consider Gothic Horror?

dark clothing, scary, type of genre, a way to show a difference from normal to freaky, scary, horrific things I guess
What used to scare you as a child?

as a child, death and snakes

What scares you now?

Just Snakes now

Sam young

What do you consider Gothic Horror?

Black, vampires, frankenstein

What used to scare you as a child?

death and snakes 

What scares you now?

darkness and snakes 

i notice that most people refer to gothic horror of thr victiorian era and although some of us have had silly childhood fears that we have grown out of ,some of us carry them on to our adult lifes.

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