Wednesday 4 February 2015

Miss havisham ideas

The first assessment is to create a look for miss havisham then repeat the same look twice to show your continuity skills. Miss havisham is described as a thin older woman who sits in her house in the same clothes and everything untouched. Living in a time where central heating wasn't invented i could imagine miss havisham being very cold and the fact she doesn't shower i imagine her skin to be in terrible condition.
When i initially tried to imagine my own miss havisham i wanted to bring more Gothic horror into the mix. So i thought to myself, shes pale, thin and sheltered. I instantly thought of a vampire! So i began to look into key characteristics in vampire look, i knew i didn't want thangs and blood but i liked the idea of veiny pale skin and blackened sockets of the eye!

My idea of miss havisham. 

The decay of the Goddess by Rik Hermans
The decay of the Goddess by Rik Hermans 

Scary Halloween makeup - Funny Pictures, Awesome Pictures, Funny Images and Pics #wantablehalloween #halloween
I like the blackened eyes and black veins in this make-up look, I am looking for something more natural for miss havisham.

I chose this picture because i like the eye make-up. With my  look no blood will be included but i like the idea of purpling lips  

Makeup your Jangsara: Halloween tutorial: Scary sexy character

focusing on the veins when i look at this picture.

The veins and under eye makeup that she uses in this tutorial is ideally what i would like for my miss havisham look.

Design one
This is what i imagined miss havisham to be if she was vampire like.
I gave her grey contours and black veins coming from her face.
I like this design but I don't think i could use it for this project.

this is my second design
I went with a very grey look and wanted her complexion to be almost white, I contoured her face to make her look fragile and older.  

Design three

This is the design i am most likely to use as its more realistic. 
this look features red bags and dark contours to emphasize her age. 
The eyebrows will be white with this look and the skin to be very pale. 

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