Saturday 28 February 2015

My perfume shoot for digital image.

For digital image we was asked to find a location , find a perfume and shoot an ad for said perfume.
I personally wanted to show my own style in the ad so I chose Black XS and the location was outside some ruins in Southampton. After taking the pictures i realised that the look relates to this project.

These are the unedited pictures of my shoot, the bottom one was a close up to show the make up.

I used a grey smokey eye to compliment the models blue eyes and a dark lip burgundy lip as i usually wear. The model has very short hair with a full fringe so I decided to go with a 90's grunge style and put it up in two messy buns. 

What scares you?

What is fear? an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm.

When I was a kid my Parents used to take me on drives to get me to sleep through oxford country side, They always used to take the same route and every time we would pass a Old white mansion which glowed a horrible green. As a kid this used to give me nightmares, I used imagine the ghosts that lived there would see me looking and follow us home. Now being 20 years old I'm mostly scared of being alone in the dark. My mind plays tricks on me and I imagine people staring at me in the corner, if I'm with someone all the fear goes away.
What also scares me is the view from my halls of residence window at night. It looks onto a street and although I'm on the second floor of the building when its dark i can't help but to imagine someone looking at me if i open the curtains.

When i realized how different my fears were from 5 years old to now i decided to interview a few of my flat mates to see what used to scare them and what scares them now.

Hannah Wentworth

What do you consider Gothic Horror?

Murders, Darkness, Graveyards, Blood and torture. 

What used to scare you as a child?

Heights, being alone and the game whats the time Mr wolf

What scares you now?

Heights and Cats 

Leya Fryer 
Milton Keynes

What do you consider Gothic Horror?

Silence and Darkness

What used to scare you as a child?


What scares you now?


Emma-Louise Wandless

What do you consider Gothic Horror?

Dracula, Frankenstein, darkness and mystery 

What used to scare you as a child?

Clowns, Being Alone

What scares you now?

Clowns and being alone 

Matthew Lintern

What do you consider Gothic Horror?

Gothic horror I consider like wuthering heights and Frankenstein dark like Jack the Ripper. 
Link it to Victorian era

What used to scare you as a child?

The dark scared me as a child and the supernatural

What scares you now?

Now not much scares me except clowns and masks

Reece Cray

What do you consider Gothic Horror?

dark clothing, scary, type of genre, a way to show a difference from normal to freaky, scary, horrific things I guess
What used to scare you as a child?

as a child, death and snakes

What scares you now?

Just Snakes now

Sam young

What do you consider Gothic Horror?

Black, vampires, frankenstein

What used to scare you as a child?

death and snakes 

What scares you now?

darkness and snakes 

i notice that most people refer to gothic horror of thr victiorian era and although some of us have had silly childhood fears that we have grown out of ,some of us carry them on to our adult lifes.

Continuity and why it is important in tv and film.

Continuity is the ability to create something the exacts same more than once. 
For example, If i was to create a character and she always wore blue eyeshadow and pink lips through out the scene or series i would need to make it look exactly the same to make it believable. 

This is important in tv and film because the character needs to look the same throughout the scene or series. failure to do so and it will make the character less believable 

To ensure you can recreate the same look over and over , start with a face chart and detailed instructions, when you have created the look the first time take plenty of pictures from every angle. 

Saturday 21 February 2015

Hair ideas for miss havisham

When looking at hair for miss havisham i came across these images that i was inspired by.
All are fairly easy to repeat and express that era 

This is my first design. this is inspired by the gibson girl era. I made this messier than usual as it is suppose to be worn for 20 years! 

My second design i made really simple. I thought about the fringe first which i made wavy and flat to the head and then a neat plaited bun. This is what i imagine miss havishams hair to be on her wedding day.


this is my final idea for miss havisham, I had to factor in that my partner had a short fringe which effected my design ideas as i didnt have much i could of done with the fringe. 

I decided to curl the front with small tongs and mess them up slightly with a plaited droopy bun to show the hair had been in the same place for a very long time 

A Trip Back Home: Oxfordshire

 In  the spirit of the project I decided the perfect place to find Gothic inspired architecture would be back home in Oxfordshire, the best place to find such buildings would be the Town Centre !
So as i followed my family round the Town Centre i took some quick snaps of some of the buildings.

The church of St Mary Magdalen oxford.

Any old church you stumble across has the Gothic horror feel, the windows, bricks , decor..
Capturing the tree also gives a horror feel, as if big long thin fingers were trying to grab you.
The Biycles locked to the gates gives an authentic oxford look Haha !


St michael at the north gate saxon tower

1834 engraving of St
Michael of north gate saxon tower.

The St Michael at the north gate Saxon tower is the oldest building in oxford dating back to 1010AD built by the Saxons. In 1986 a restoration project was opened in which my grandfather and dad built the glass house adaption.

  • Holds the marriage record of William Morris ( Textile designer ) and Jane Burden (Raphaelite model) 1859 
  • Examples of the church records, which are 9th oldest in  England
  • has 6 bells from the 16th and 17th century 

Carfax tower in 1896 


Carfax  Tower Oxford 

'at the cross road of 4 major roads, Carfax Tower, is the symbolic centre of Oxford. The tower is all that remains of the St Martin church that stood here. The facade of the tower has two "quarterboys" in Roman uniform on either side of a bell. The bell strikes every quarter of the other. It is also possible to climb the tower to get a good view of the city. Centuries old University regulation requires an undergraduate student of the University to "reside" within 6 miles, and a graduate student within 25 miles as the crow files from the Carfax tower! There are, of course, exemptions!'

This beautiful piece of architecture stands above what is now a Brazilian cafe on Carfax, unfortunately I couldn't seem to find any information about this!

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Practising miss havisham

I am really pleased with my practise of miss havisham today!
I tried to emphasis the eyes with this look and also toned down the lip compared to the last look! 
For the brows i used white supra colour. 
For eyes i used Mac coppering, carbon and embark eye shadows to create the eyes and a mixture of carbon and embark for the contouring of the nose and the cheek contour!
for the lips i used mac white frost eyeshadow on the lips tio create dry cracked lips. 

I am 100 percent pleased with this look and with grey hair i think the look would look perfect!

Scars and dirty hands

To create the dirty hands i sprayed coloured hairspray and rubbed this in with moisturizer all over the hand. I experimented with the cut trying to create one only using wound filler and fake blood, i think if i put a bit of redness aroumd the area it would of looked more realistic but i think it looks like strawberry jam on the arm haha!  

Bruises and cuts

Had a fun day of creating cuts and bruises ! 
I used the ben nye bruise wheel and vaseline to create the bruised eye. I found that the least amount of product is the most effective. I started with the lightest colour on the outside of the bruise and got darker as it got nearer to the socket. 

I created the cut by using scar wax, at first i found it tricky and the scar wax broke apart but with some fake blood and pus i managed to cover the mistake up. i also used a bruise wheel to create the bruising on the outside. 

I am really pleased with the end result of both of these looks, i feel that i am gravitating more towards prosthetic now rather than beauty

Sunday 8 February 2015

Split personality of miss havisham

In Fenella's first practical class we needed to pick either miss havisham or Estella and split the face into 2 moods. 
The mood i chose for the left side of the face was psychotic and on the right side was youthful. 
All I used with this look was the Kryolan foundation palette and the Sleek Au natural eye shadow palette. 
Brushes used was the kryolan foundation brush and a charles fox eyeshadow buff brush.

I am really pleased with the outcome as its subtle yet effective. 

Wednesday 4 February 2015

1870's hair practice

The top picture is a popular hair style from the 1870's as you can see the sides of the hair are pinned back and the curls fall from the top of the head downwards, there is also a middle parting and the secured backwards in a wave motion.
The bottom picture is my first attempt unfortunately i ran out of time and hair ! If the hair was longer the hair would of looked alot better, i found it very difficult to make the top section look pretty with such short hair.

Miss havisham ideas

The first assessment is to create a look for miss havisham then repeat the same look twice to show your continuity skills. Miss havisham is described as a thin older woman who sits in her house in the same clothes and everything untouched. Living in a time where central heating wasn't invented i could imagine miss havisham being very cold and the fact she doesn't shower i imagine her skin to be in terrible condition.
When i initially tried to imagine my own miss havisham i wanted to bring more Gothic horror into the mix. So i thought to myself, shes pale, thin and sheltered. I instantly thought of a vampire! So i began to look into key characteristics in vampire look, i knew i didn't want thangs and blood but i liked the idea of veiny pale skin and blackened sockets of the eye!

My idea of miss havisham. 

The decay of the Goddess by Rik Hermans
The decay of the Goddess by Rik Hermans 

Scary Halloween makeup - Funny Pictures, Awesome Pictures, Funny Images and Pics #wantablehalloween #halloween
I like the blackened eyes and black veins in this make-up look, I am looking for something more natural for miss havisham.

I chose this picture because i like the eye make-up. With my  look no blood will be included but i like the idea of purpling lips  

Makeup your Jangsara: Halloween tutorial: Scary sexy character

focusing on the veins when i look at this picture.

The veins and under eye makeup that she uses in this tutorial is ideally what i would like for my miss havisham look.

Design one
This is what i imagined miss havisham to be if she was vampire like.
I gave her grey contours and black veins coming from her face.
I like this design but I don't think i could use it for this project.

this is my second design
I went with a very grey look and wanted her complexion to be almost white, I contoured her face to make her look fragile and older.  

Design three

This is the design i am most likely to use as its more realistic. 
this look features red bags and dark contours to emphasize her age. 
The eyebrows will be white with this look and the skin to be very pale. 

A Look Into Gothic Horror: Jack Pierce 1889-1968

Jack pierce
Born Janus Piccoulas May 5th 1889, Greece
Died- July 19th 1968 , Hollywood LA 

Jack P Pierce was a legendary Monster maker who worked for universal studios during the 1930's and 1940's. Gothic horror had evolved since the 18th century drastically, still using classic story's such as Dracula and Frankenstein but adapting on to this when film became popular.
Creating popular monsters within the films Dracula, Frankenstein's monster, The mummy and many more, his monster designs are still used today to inspire movie adaptions of classic films and even Halloween costumes!.

Sunday 1 February 2015

High Definition Broadcasting

So what is HDTV and how is it affecting us make-up artists?
HDTV is a high definition picture quality in a widescreen format, for make up artists this means more pressure to perfect a look as every single detail can be picked up by the camera, Especially if your working with prosthetic as it needs to look real to be believable.

With the HDTV revolution came new makeup techniques used to battle the problem!
youtube is a great place to find said techniques.

When make up goes wrong ! HD misshaps 

A big mistake make up artists are making when it comes to celebrity's is not checking whether make up looks the same on a digital camera! a lot of celebrities have been caught out with very heavily white powdered faces on the red carpet!

Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood

The Pre-Raphaelite brotherhood was a secret society of artists founded in London in 1848,
the idea of the group was to change art and reject what was considered mechanistic approach first used by mannerist artists who succeeded Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino and michaelangelo.

Main Members of the group 
William Holman Hunt
John Everett Millais
Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

The art produced was often described as 'assault of the eye' due to its shocking images. They tended to paint religious figures with unprecedented realism unlike most artists. The artists used bright colours to make the paintings stand out in exhibitions. A lot of themes they chose was considered quite daring at the time showing problematic subjects such as poverty, emigration, prostitution and the double standard of sexual morality in society.

Example of Pre-raphelite paintings

  1. Artist: John Everett Millais
  2. Period: Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood
  3. Location: Tate Gallery, Britain
  4. Dimensions: 76 cm x 1.12 m
  5. Created: 1851–1852
  6. Subject: Ophelia, Elizabeth Sidda

Inspired by Shakespeare's hamlet , John paints the scene in which Queen gertude and ophelias brother laertes are in conversation describing how ophelia fell into the river whist picking flowers and slowly drowning and singing
Hamlet, Act 1V, Scene V11
Laertes: Drowned! O, where?
Queen Gertrude: There is a willow grows askant the brook,
That shows his hoar leaves in the glassy stream.
Therewith fantastic garlands did she make
Of crowflowers, nettles, daisies, and long purples
That liberal shepherds give a grosser name,
But our cold maids do dead-men’s-fingers call them.
There on the pendent boughs her crownet weeds
Clambering to hang, an envious sliver broke,
When down her weedy trophies and herself
Fell in the weeping brook. Her clothes spread wide,
And mermaid-like awhile they bore her up;
Which time she chanted snatches of old tunes,
As one incapable of her own distress,
Or like a creature native and indued
Unto that element. But long it could not be
Till that her garments, heavy with their drink,
Pulled the poor wretch from her melodious lay
To muddy death.
Laertes: Alas, then she is drowned?
Queen Gertrude: Drowned, drowned
List of pre-raphaelite artists