Thursday 15 January 2015

The many portrayals of Miss havisham

I never thought in my life that i would read a Charles Dickens book and actually enjoy it! This book being Great expectations, one of the most fascinating characters was Miss Havisham.
Miss Havisham is a wealthy spinster who asked for pip ( a poor orphan boy) to keep her adopted daughter Estella company. Later into the book you realize that miss Havisham was 'jilted' at the alter which is why she wore an old tattered wedding dress and kept the reception room decorated exactly the same as it would of been on her wedding day. In the book Miss Havisham is described as 'the witch of the place' , being in her mid 50's and looking like a cross between a waxwork and a skeleton.  Once you do a bit of research via internet and watching the different Film/Tv versions of the book you realize that Miss Havisham has been portrayed in many ways.

Great Expectations 1934
directed by Stuart walker 

In this film version of Great expectations, Miss Havisham is played by actress Florence Reed.
As you can see by this picture, Miss Havisham has been portrayed as in her 50's like Charles dickens described although I feel she just looks like a grandma. She is not wearing an old wedding dress like described in the book and hardly looks under nourished. Because of the era this film was made i assume they did best with what they had, had it been made in the modern time im sure she would look very much like Charles dickens described. 

Great expectations 1946
Directed by David Lean

Miss havisham- Martia Hunt 
In this version of Great expectations Miss Havisham is seen in a georgian wedding dress. The attire Charles dickens originally wanted. Fresh faced make-up and eccentric hair to match her personality. I think that she looks more frail than in the 1934 version, you can tell by looking at her hands and she seems to drown in her wedding dress. 

Great expectations 1974 tv movie 
Directed by Joseph hardy 

Miss Havisham is played by Margaret Leighton. 
This portrayal of Miss Havisham is far better than the one before. 
Still shown as in her 50's but this time wearing a wedding dress like described although for someone who wore a wedding dress every day years after her 'wedding day' the dress doesn't half look clean!
As you can see make up skills developed in  the last 40 years but I feel this look is more theatrical where as the 1934 version is more natural. 

Great expectations 1981- mini series.
Directed by Julian Amyes. 

Miss Havisham Portrayed by Joan Hickson 
In the tv mini series Miss Havisham is seen wearing her hair in tight curls, not as eccentric as the 1974 movie. The wedding dress a champagne colour rather than dirty from years of use. 
Light make-up again apart from make up to extenuate her bags under her eyes and wrinkles in her skin. Miss Havisham is shown wearing more jewelry in this version showing off her wealth.   

1989 mini series 
Miss havisham played by Jean simmons (jean also played estella in 1946 version) 
Directed by Kevin Connor 
I personally think that miss havisham looks like a haggered old lady than a crazy spinster. I find it hard to tell that she is wearing a wedding dress other than the veil worn as a hood. Again plain make up but some used to accentuate the lines and wrinkles. 

1999 Tv movie 
Miss havisham played by charlotte Rampling
Directed by Julian Jarold 

In this tv movie miss Havisham seems to have gotten a lot younger, late 30's early 40's. So young that not one grey hair is shown! Although her hair isn't as crazy as the other versions, i love how sophisticated and slick this up do is.I also appreciate the crown showing her power. Fresh faced once again this seems to be a theme in most make up looks for this character 

2011 tv mini series.
directed by 

Played by Gillian anderson.

Is it me or as the years go by Miss Havisham seems to get younger!
This is actually one of my favourite looks by far even if miss havisham has discovered a youth elixir.
The hair , the wedding dress , the dead flowers  makes this character so believable. Fresh faced, pale and fragile Gillian shows a true crazy miss havisham.

2012 Movie
Played by Helena Boham Carter

Okay i have changed my mind! This is my favourite version of Miss Havisham! Who better to play her than an Eccentric Actress! It was no surprise to actress having big hair in another fabulous role
she quotes 'we tried not to go for big hair but everything is growing, decaying' 


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