Friday 23 January 2015

A Look Into Gothic Horror: Boris Karloff 1887-1869

Boris Karloff- Active years 1909-1969

when my minds off the Victorian subject and focusing on Gothic horror the first person that came to mind was actor Boris Karloff. Boris Karloff was born in 'William Henry Pratt' 1887 London (so technically born a Victorian although his career didn't come till after the Victorian era!)
Anyway before his career he studied at London university then eloped to Canada with the first of his 6 wives, Grace Harding. upon arrival in Canada Karloff worked as a laborer until he traveled to hollywood and spent 10 years as a character actor eventually appearing in 204 tv series and films including Frankenstein 1931, The mummy 1932 and the walking dead 1936.

Frankensteins monster 1931

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