Sunday 3 May 2015

Quentin shoot

The quentin shoot was a disaster! first I used the wrong kind of face paint then I tried to blend powder into facepaint (school boy error) Then the latex mouth piece wasn't going right!
 When i was done with my little tantrum i took a breather then started to think logically. I used oil based face paint so if course i had to use supracolor for colouring. With the mouth piece i used latex to blend the edges out as much as possible then pray it worked out!

This my final image

The shoot went much better than expected and when i changed the contrast and brightness i finally liked my image!

Claudia Shoot

These are some of my favourite pictures from the shoot.
I think the shoot went really well. Whiles doing the make up i did change some products. Instead of using powder based products i used supracolor instead as it blends in more with the face and looks more realistic on camera. Instead of using greys i used browns to make her face look really tired and i backcombed her hair to look like she doesn't take care of herself.
~Overall i am happy with the look as it is subtle yet effective.

Quentin final charts

I Decided to go with this face chart for my final quentin look                                                                              

I wanted to completely blank out quentins mouth due to claudia wanting to keep quiet!
I searched through youtube and came across this video

I took to the idea of creating a piece from latex and toilet roll to make a smooth  mouth piece to then blank out the mouth.